Ferrari went to Spain to race. Fernando Alonso at the wheel put the established strategy in the garage in favor of riding the limit and going for the run.

It seems Formula 1 in recent races, even seasons, has moved toward a technical form of racing. Tire strategy and conservation had taken the driver’s seat away from driving for speed and challenging the race.

The Ferrari teams of Alonso and Massa flipped that strategy and went out to race the car, the track and the other drivers. They went out fast from the start and kept the throttle on while trusting their crews to get the changes in the pits done in the same way. (more…)

Advertising drives racing. The cars have sponsors. The race has sponsors. The TV and radio broadcasts have sponsors. We expect it and accept it. Watching F1 and the Monaco Grand Prix we’re in awe at the beauty and diversity of the city and the view. The Marina is filled with blue sea and watercraft of every design. The cityscape rises set against the view of the hills. The sponsor banners line the streets with every color.

At best, they present a subliminal impact as they eye is drawn to the speed and road clinging action of open wheel power amidst the tight turns and narrow straights that make up the course in this showcase city with French and Italian influence.
There is a flash of Johnnie Walker, UBS, Pirelli, Shell V-Power, DHL and Zepter. We don’t know what Zepter is but from the tunnel we get flashes of “Home Art” and “Cosmetics”. (more…)